Front pageHaw to buy

Haw to buy


  1. Search, browse, compare products
  2. Add selected products from the warehouse or to the basket
  3. After adding products to the cart, you can see your cart (link at the top of the page or box on the right)
  4. In the basket, you can change the number of items or you can remove products added by mistake
  5. If you forgot something, go back to the store and add more products to the cart
  6. Select the delivery and payment method and click the "Checkout" button at the bottom of the shopping cart page
  7. Finally, check that the address and invoice details are correct. If not, you can modify them by clicking the "Edit" button.
People who want to set up an account in our store must register by completing a short form. You can also place an order without registration by selecting "Order without registration" and completing the form.


Your New Account on Our New Website

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